Select a contractor known for high quality work and one who has an established reputation in the community.
Does the contractor have a dedicated office / facility you can visit?
Check the contractor’s insurance coverage and verify state and local licensing.
Do they have knowledgeable sales personnel that provide clear options and benefits of different approaches?
Look for a company that has trained and experienced personnel and continues to educate themselves on new technology and techniques for best results.
Do they provide a written warranty / guarantee on all work performed?
Do they clearly identify the scope of the project and the products to be used?
Do they have the proper type of equipment to properly complete the job? Is the equipment owned or rented?
Can they provide product specification sheets?
Make sure all asphalt thicknesses are specified as finished compacted thickness.
If obtaining multiple bids, be sure application methods, specifications and quantities are the same on all. This will ensure a valid comparison can be made between the bids.
Scrutinize the lowest bids very carefully. When it comes to materials and workmanship. You get what you pay for.